
Today's data can answer tomorrow's questions

We know how to separate the signal from the noise. Data, analytics and AI are opening the door to new possibilities for how organizations can grow and differentiate themselves against competition at an accelerated pace. As the C-suite looks for ways to improve utilization and efficiency, unlock new revenue streams and have the ability (and agility) to create new business models, all paths to value share a common denominator… data.

More than half (52%) of the organizations with future-ready operations are already using data and analytics at scale. Reinventing how data and AI initiatives are executed against business strategy results in an organization that can realize a return on investment at speed and ultimately build the case to move from AI pilots to enterprise-wide business transformation.

With Data-led Transformation, data at its core becomes the ultimate competitive asset and differentiator, and by scaling AI with cloud, organizations can reposition their offerings, extend capabilities and improve data and AI maturity to create new sources of value and sustainable growth.

Data-led Transformation goes beyond approach or discipline to be a complete reimagining of business through data.

This means embracing data as you would human, financial, and intellectual capital—the lifeblood for businesses to grow and compete over the past few centuries.

Our capabilities

Six critical capabilities are required to achieve business reinvention from a technical, cultural, and adoption standpoint.

Critical data elements

Identify data that is not only critical for business change, but also unlocks the greatest value for the organization.

Data management & governance

Enable a trusted approach to ensure that critical data is managed, maintained, and governed centrally so it can be responsibly leveraged to develop differentiating capabilities.

Data platform & architecture

Build a secure data foundation and cloud architecture that can harness data for a deeper view into the organization to meet current needs flexibly to scale for the future.

Product-based organization & skills

Apply principles of a product-based operating model to structure the right team and processes, facilitate collaboration, and accelerate execution on business priorities.

Business adoption

Industrialize data and AI across the organization to instill a data-driven culture and analytics mindset for better decision-making and, ultimately, business adoption of strategic priorities.

Value realization

Measure execution, experience, and the impact on business outcomes constantly and consistently.

What we deliver

Every organization faces unique challenges and priorities when it comes to delivering value. Data-led Transformation leverages modern platforms, AI, and a strong data foundation to give you a deeper view, helping determine the right path to value.


The path to unlocking core business value

Improve the maturity of your data and AI capabilities to deliver core business value by monetizing business strategy and maximizing efficiencies.


The path to profitable partnerships

Build an ecosystem of partners to extend your capabilities and offerings and, thus, create new opportunities for engagement and a better customer experience.


The path to business model differentiation

Leverage data and AI to extend into new domains, reinvent your offerings, and evolve with the confidence you can scale to meet changing demand and priorities.

The AI impact


of executives felt confident they had the necessary information and insights to make informed business decisions during the pandemic.


of executives plan to accelerate digital transformation, including an emphasis on moving to cloud (26% increase compared to pre-covid).


revenue growth when digital operating models are used to drive agility at speed.


of organizations lack an enterprise data strategy to fully capitalize on their data assets.

App Device

Client spotlight

A global fast-food chain embarked on an aggressive growth plan with the objective of serving more customers at a better value, more often, and with a more personalized experience. To achieve this, they’re undertaking a significant data and analytics transformation to meet continued business demand and the rapid pace of technology change. Through an MVP rollout in 120 stores, we built an AI program that looked at data per store, per protein type, per day, etc. to create models that could predict demand, looking at external variables like weather, holidays, and traffic patterns. By defining and investing in the 10-20% of data elements that were critical (>2,000+ down to 100 CDEs), they were able to reduce scope, time and effort by focusing only on data that drove value for their organization. Over 300 billion rows of data were processed to generate 440,000 forecasting models using AI and ML capabilities to provide real-time insights and improve speed to service for the business.

What we think


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Competitive Agility

AI: Built to scale

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